Welcome to My Practice Melbourne.

Our community of Counsellors and Coaches exist to empower YOU to take back the
control within your life so you CAN overcome life's diversities and traumas.

We are passionate about supporting YOU to embrace and
fulfil your unique potential.

It's time to re-discover YOU... Let us show you how.

Have you been struggling with
one or multiple of the following?

It's ok. We understand. 

Life is challenging and change is difficult. We know this as counsellors, and we know this personally as people who have sat on the couch ourselves. So, we have tremendous respect for you in taking this initial step toward change, personal growth, and healing. Your goals are unique, and we help you in identifying them so that you can make your ideal future a reality. We take the time to learn what matters most to you and provide resources that help you put your values into action.

Our mission is to support you every step of the way.



You will have the confidence that whatever happens, you will be able to handle it, reach your full potential, and become the person you have always wanted to be.



Clarity can help you tackle the obstacles that are holding you back and open up new avenues of discovery and growth.



You will learn constructive ways to manage the issues that life presents, enabling you to cope with turbulent times, and bounce back from hardship and tragedy.



With focus, you can cope with life's stresses, recognise your abilities, and find the answers you seek.



Empower you to discover personal strengths and capacities so that you are able to take control of your life.


Behavioural Change

Together, we can make a real difference in how your beliefs, values, and attitudes influence your daily life.

At My Practice, we deliver counselling and resources, designed to strengthen your mindset so that you can begin to experience...

Are you ready to take the leap? We are in this together.

Is Therapy Worth It?

One of the questions we are often asked at My Practice is: Is therapy worth it? Research has found that counselling can help people achieve greater success in their personal and professional lives, including happier relationships, more fulfilling careers, and financial success. If you are stressed, feeling depressed, having trouble sleeping, or generally feel that your mental health could improve, therapy is an investment worth making.

In-Person Sessions

Do you prefer to attend your counselling session in person? You can book any one of our services to be delivered in person within the comfort and privacy of our office in Mt Gravatt.

To book your in-person session, simply click the 'Book a Session' below.

Phone Sessions.

Can't get to our office or would rather receive your counselling session within the comfort of your own home? You can book any one of our services to be delivered over the phone.

To book your phone session, simply click the 'Book a Session' button below.

Online Sessions.

Would you feel more comfortable talking with one of our counsellors online? You can book any one of our services to be delivered through an online medium, both privately and in a group setting.

To book your online session, simply click the 'Book a Session' button below.

Our Story...

My Practice was founded to help our emotionally crippled society heal by providing compassion, communication, and a sense of belonging. We are committed to social change that helps bring about initiatives that better people's lives. My Practice believes it can make a difference in the way society approaches mental health, helping to create a more stable, happier, and fulfilled society. My Practice has been dedicated to fulfilling its mission of inspiring and giving people hope by assisting them in making positive changes in their health, relationships, businesses, and finances. No matter where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.

Meet YOUR Support Team.


Jonathan Riley

Hi, I'm Jonathan Riley (MACA) (JP) and I am the Founder & Director of My Practice. For the past 12 years, I have dedicated my life to the field of mental health as a writer, educator, counsellor, and speaker.

Learn More about Jonathan...

Explore our library of resources to strengthen your Mynd Practice so you can build a strong and resilient mindset.

From The Blog

Red Flags, Yellow Flags, and the Path to Healthier Relationships

By Jonathan Riley

Navigating relationships can often feel like steering a ship through stormy seas. The winds of emotion can be fierce, the waves of conflict can run high, and the path ahead may not always be clear. At My Practice Counselling Melbourne, we are committed to helping you navigate these complexities with ease. Our mission is to empower everyone to understand, assess, and work towards healthier, more fulfilling relationships. One of the critical aspects of this journey involves distinguishing between ‘red flags’ and ‘yellow flags’ in a relationship.

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Recognising Red Flags in a Relationship

By Jonathan Riley

Navigating relationships and dealing with red flags is like reading a map correctly – it’s vital for a safe and fulfilling journey. But to effectively tackle these warning signs, you first need to recognize what they look like and understand their potential danger. Sadly, some people misinterpret these red flags, considering them as just “part of the package”, instead of viewing them as crucial warning signals. This misinterpretation often leads them into a position of vulnerability, exposing them to emotional, psychological, and even physical harm.

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Modern Media on Our Perceptions of Love

By Jonathan Riley

Choosing a life partner is without a doubt one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. This decision has an impact on your emotional health, happiness, and life trajectory. Many clients at My Practice Counselling Melbourne grapple with the question, “Have I chosen the right partner?” It is important to realise that these thoughts are not signs of uncertainty or insecurity but healthy skepticism that serves to balance out our romantic feelings.

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Have You Chosen the Right Partner?

By Jonathan Riley

Choosing a life partner is without a doubt one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. This decision has an impact on your emotional health, happiness, and life trajectory. Many clients at My Practice Counselling Melbourne grapple with the question, “Have I chosen the right partner?” It is important to realise that these thoughts are not signs of uncertainty or insecurity but healthy skepticism that serves to balance out our romantic feelings.

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The Importance of Choosing the Right Partner

By Jonathan Riley

Choosing the right partner is one of the most critical decisions you’ll ever make. It profoundly influences your emotional health, mental resilience, and even financial wellbeing. At My Practice Counselling Melbourne, we understand the intricacies involved in such choices and their far-reaching impacts. Here, we explore the significance of selecting a suitable partner and the potential consequences of ending up in a toxic or unsuitable relationship.

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Love vs. Infatuation Assessment

By Jonathan Riley

There are many issues with modern relationships today. It can be difficult to find the time to work on our relationships because of our hectic and busy schedules. Kalman Heller PhD argues that if couples constantly put their marriage at the end of their “To Do” lists, assuming that there will always be another day to attend to their spouses’ needs, one day they will be shocked to discover it’s too late.

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What Is Intimacy?

By Jonathan Riley

Intimacy is about love, trust and support; accepting and sharing in your partner’s feelings, being there when they want to let their defenses down and knowing that they will be there for you. Intimacy is expressed through words and actions, as well as the sharing of feelings and experiences such as pain and sadness, happiness and love, hard work and humour.

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How Love Impacts Our Mental Health

By Jonathan Riley

Love and mental health are two intricately connected aspects of our lives. When we love someone, it can bring us great joy, but it can also bring challenges and difficulties that can take a toll on our mental well-being. This blog will explore the impact of love on mental health and how healthy relationships can support our overall well-being.

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From Infatuation to Commitment

By Jonathan Riley

Love is a complex emotion that can take us on a journey of ups and downs. It is natural to feel drawn to someone, to feel an initial spark of attraction, and to experience the butterflies in our stomachs that come with infatuation. However, it is essential to distinguish between infatuation and true love to build a lasting and healthy relationship.

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Overcoming the Parent-Child Relationship with Your Spouse

By Jonathan Riley

Relationships are a partnership between two adults who love and respect each other. However, sometimes one partner takes on the role of a parent and the other becomes a child. This dynamic can lead to decreased marital satisfaction, frustration, anger, and resentment for both partners. In this blog, we will explore signs that you may be parenting your partner, the side effects of acting as a parent, why people start parenting their partners, and what constitutes a healthy relationship.

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A Guide to Self Care


Self-care is a lifelong endeavour and through Mynd Practice, we want to help you get there.

Are you ready to make a change?

Our free workbook is a tool to help you map out what you want to change so you can actually make it happen.

Download our Mynd Practice workbook below.

Self-Care Guide - Workbook

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Do I Need Therapy?


Life is full of ups and downs, problems and challenges. It’s common to wonder if you actually need therapy. Admitting that you need help and reaching out can help you get back on track. Going to therapy isn’t a sign of weakness or something to be ashamed of. It’s also important to understand that you don’t need to have a diagnosed mental health condition in order to benefit from therapy.

Continue reading to explore the key signs you may need therapy...