Do I Need Therapy? How do I know?.

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't.” ― John Green

Life is full of ups and downs, problems and challenges. It’s common to wonder if you actually need therapy. Admitting that you need help and reaching out can help you get back on track. Going to therapy isn’t a sign of weakness or something to be ashamed of. It’s also important to understand that you don’t need to have a diagnosed mental health condition in order to benefit from therapy. It might be that there’s something troubling you at the moment, or you need some help and guidance with certain areas of your life such as your self-esteem, relationships or issues from your past that have re-surfaced.

Signs You May Need Therapy

You Feel Stuck

At My Practice we can help you get unstuck by helping you figure out your goals as well as any anxieties and fears that may be holding you back. We can help you to identify your values and activities that connect you to those values.

Your Mood Fluctuates

If you have developed a persistently negative mood or thought process, this is usually an indication of a mental health issue. My Practice is able to help you in determining the underlying cause of the issue.

You Feel Overwhelmed

When we feel overwhelmed, we often can't process and cope with things. Relationships, external circumstances, and internal states can all play a role in triggering feelings of being overwhelmed. We can help you manage difficult feelings and situations to improve your health and relationships.

Relationship Difficulties

My Practice can help you whether you are currently in a relationship that is causing you problems or whether you are currently single but find that you keep making the same mistakes when it comes to romantic relationships.

You’re Engaging in Secretive Behaviour

Keeping to yourself isn’t always a bad thing, but regularly hiding your actions or thoughts from others isn’t healthy. Feeling separate and apart from others can be destructive as the parts of ourselves that we keep hidden and lie about grow larger and larger.

You Affect Those Around You

Sometimes our actions or lifestyle choices may seem fine to us, but then we notice that they negatively impact other people in our lives. My Practice can help you develop a healthy relationship with yourself and your loved ones.

You're Using Substances to Cope with Life

If you find yourself turning to compulsive behaviours to cope with what's going on in your life, it's time to seek help. Addiction and substance abuse are medical conditions and going to therapy allows a person to gain the knowledge needed to fully address their problem.

Your Sleeping Patterns Are Off

A key symptom of depression includes a disruption in sleep, whether it be too little or too much. If you’ve noticed any significant change, it might be time to investigate the underlying issue.

You Feel Like You Need to Talk

There’s nothing wrong with seeking professional help for any health issue, including mental health. Therapy is a common and helpful method for addressing life's challenges, so don't hesitate to seek help if you feel the need.

You Are Underperforming

A decrease in performance is a common sign among those struggling with psychological or emotional issues. Poor mental health can lead to impairments in focus, memory, and energy, which in turn can lead to a lack of interest in and mistakes in performing even the most basic of daily tasks.

You Feel Empty or Directionless

Many people come to My Practice because they are feeling lost or empty. Maybe life hasn't gone as planned so far, but it's never too late to change course. My Practice can help you in working to discover what truly matters to you in order to build a life full of meaning and purpose.

Remember, whatever challenges you’re going through, whether you’re experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition, or going through other issues in certain areas of your life, you don’t have to struggle on your own. Therapy can help you to work through your difficulties in a safe and highly compassionate setting, empowering you to regain control. Take the next step and contact us today - we're here to help you every step of the way.

My Practice can help you to find:



You will have the confidence that whatever happens, you will be able to handle it, reach your full potential, and become the person you have always wanted to be.



Clarity can help you tackle the obstacles that are holding you back and open up new avenues of discovery and growth.



You will learn constructive ways to manage the issues that life presents, enabling you to cope with turbulent times, and bounce back from hardship and tragedy.



With focus, you can cope with life's stresses, recognise your abilities, and find the answers you seek.



Empower you to discover personal strengths and capacities so that you are able to take control of your life.


Behavioural Change

Together, we can make a real difference in how your beliefs, values, and attitudes influence your daily life.

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