Inner Child Therapy Melbourne.

A lot of our “psychological baggage” as adults is the result of unresolved trauma from childhood. In order to heal this emotional damage, it’s helpful to start at the source—the age when the trauma happened.

This is what therapists call “Inner Child Work.” Connecting with our inner child requires us to cultivate our inner observer, which is the part of ourselves that’s able to call out the discrepancy between our false self and true self.

What is Inner Child Therapy?

Our parents/caregivers were our first teachers who provided us with a foundation for how we love and view the world. Until the brain develops critical thinking and reasoning skills, a child is highly dependent upon those who care for them. A child needs healthy mirroring, or validation of their being, in order to feel seen, heard, and loved. In some family dynamics, there’s a lack of healthy mirroring, which may be due to a parent’s own negative childhood experience, physical or mental illness, abuse, or addiction.

As a result, a child will learn to hide parts of the self, causing a false self to emerge in order to receive validation. Depending on the home, the false self can even stay under the radar. As the false self arises, we lack an anchor or connection to our body and our feelings.


Inner Child Therapy can help you to find:



You will have the confidence that whatever happens, you will be able to handle it, reach your full potential, and become the person you have always wanted to be.



Clarity can help you tackle the obstacles that are holding you back and open up new avenues of discovery and growth.



You will learn constructive ways to manage the issues that life presents, enabling you to cope with turbulent times, and bounce back from hardship and tragedy.



With focus, you can cope with life's stresses, recognise your abilities, and find the answers you seek.



Empower you to discover personal strengths and capacities so that you are able to take control of your life.


Behavioural Change

Together, we can make a real difference in how your beliefs, values, and attitudes influence your daily life.

Connect With Your Inner Child

Therapy can successfully improve your life by helping you minimise the anxiety in your life, identify and change underlying thought and behavioural patterns that contribute to your struggles, and provide you with strategies to decrease discomfort while restoring an overall sense of peace.

To experience true and lasting joy in our life, we must face and conquer our pain by healing our underlying trauma and confronting our fears. Our evidence-based, scientifically proven interventions are demonstrated by research to be effective in healing depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and trauma that get in the way of healing our inner child.

Looking for Inner Child Therapy in Melbourne? Contact us today!

Inner Child Therapy is offered by our counsellor, Jonathan.


Jonathan Riley

Hi, I'm Jonathan Riley (MACA) (JP) and I am the Founder & Director of My Practice. For the past 12 years, I have dedicated my life to the field of mental health as a writer, educator, counsellor, and speaker.

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