Meet Your Support Team.

A collective of individuals who understand exactly where you are right now because they have all walked a mile in your shoes, and came out the other side.

Meet YOUR Support Team.


Jonathan Riley

We Value YOU.

We value the impact and change that can be created by enabling a sense of empowerment within a person.

Empowering them to take control, face their trauma, and their diversity, to become open to becoming the person they were always meant to be, not what society told them they should.

Empower an individual to un-tap their true potential, in turn living a more fulfilled and happier life.


Jonathan Riley - Counsellor

For the past 12 years I have dedicated my life to the field of mental health as a writer, educator, counsellor, and speaker.

Before opening My Practice, I worked with people recovering from addictions, which was challenging at times, but gave me a chance to witness some incredible transformations and help individuals at their lowest find their way. Prior to that, I worked as a Primary School Teacher and also served as a Transport Officer in the Australian Army.

I am committed to a non-judgemental, holistic and tailored approach allowing people to feel safe and validated. I focus on compassionate listening, supportive encouragement and practical tools and strategies toward better coping and resilience.In addition, I have years of experience in helping people deal with their issues in a compassionate way. I make every effort to honour and respect the individuality of each person I help. Experience has shown me that, in the presence of safe and supportive relationships, we are capable of triumphing and transforming our lives.

Jonathan's Qualifications

  • Member of the Australian Counselling Association (ACA)

  • Graduate Diploma of Psychology | James Cook University

  • Bachelor of Education (Primary) | Swinburne University of Technology

  • Bachelor of Counselling | Australian College of Community Services

  • Domestic and Family Violence Response | Lifeline

  • Working with Child Sexual Assault Victims | Bravehearts

  • Diploma of Justice and Administration | College for Law and Justice Administration

  • Justice of the Peace (Qualified) | Southbank Institute of TAFE

In-Person Sessions

Do you prefer to attend your counselling session in person? You can book any one of our services to be delivered in person within the comfort and privacy of our office in Mt Gravatt.

To book your in-person session, simply click the 'Book a Session' below.

Phone Sessions.

Can't get to our office or would rather receive your counselling session within the comfort of your own home? You can book any one of our services to be delivered over the phone.

To book your phone session, simply click the 'Book a Session' button below.

Online Sessions.

Would you feel more comfortable talking with one of our counsellors online? You can book any one of our services to be delivered through an online medium, both privately and in a group setting.

To book your online session, simply click the 'Book a Session' button below.