Mindfulness Therapy Melbourne.

Our individual counselling sessions have at their foundation the goal of helping each person function at his or her best. We aim to help each individual attain more complete self-understanding; develop skills for improving relationships; find new ways to cope with stress and anxiety; improve communication skills; break negative and self-destructive patterns; increase career satisfaction; and, increase self-esteem and self-confidence

What is Mindfulness Therapy?

For most people, mindfulness represents a different way of looking at the world and is better understood through practice. As a result, practice exercises are important components of learning. Exercises include meditations such as focusing on the breath, mindfully noting thoughts, and mentally scanning the body with attention to physical sensations.

These help us build awareness of habitual tendencies, recognize fleeting thoughts and judgments for what they are, and develop the ability to identify the moment when we are not acting in our best interests. There is a strong body of scientific evidence attesting to their effectiveness for a variety of complaints.

Mindfulness Therapy can help you to find:



You will have the confidence that whatever happens, you will be able to handle it, reach your full potential, and become the person you have always wanted to be.



Clarity can help you tackle the obstacles that are holding you back and open up new avenues of discovery and growth.



You will learn constructive ways to manage the issues that life presents, enabling you to cope with turbulent times, and bounce back from hardship and tragedy.



With focus, you can cope with life's stresses, recognise your abilities, and find the answers you seek.



Empower you to discover personal strengths and capacities so that you are able to take control of your life.


Behavioural Change

Together, we can make a real difference in how your beliefs, values, and attitudes influence your daily life.

How is Mindfulness Different?

When we experience negative things, we often try to ignore them or avoid them. Or we might re-examine something over and over and over again in the hopes of putting it to rest for good. These approaches make sense. Unfortunately, they often do not work, and the unintended side effects of our “cure” can cause more trouble. When ignored, negative events or internal sensations often grow insidiously. When we excessively try to avoid unpleasantness, we risk narrowing our lives, and convincing ourselves that we are weaker than we are. Instead of focusing our resources on trying to change circumstances beyond our control, mindfulness helps us maintain perspective, remain resilient to pain, and respond effectively.

Looking for Mindfulness Therapy in Melbourne? Contact us today!

Mindfulness Therapy is offered by our counsellor, Jonathan.


Jonathan Riley

Hi, I'm Jonathan Riley (MACA) (JP) and I am the Founder & Director of My Practice. For the past 12 years, I have dedicated my life to the field of mental health as a writer, educator, counsellor, and speaker.

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